aaasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfaasdfasdfasdfasdfaPolyCon announces that they have successfully passed the U-Burn Test, which is the most recent version of the Unvented Attic Oxygen Starvation Test with the PC 450, becoming one of few companies to pass this updated version of the test.

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We are focused on solving our customers’ business challenges and recognize our role in driving their success every day. PolyCon provides a comprehensive, full-service solution for the spray foam industry, including top-tier products, equipment, training, and ongoing support.

PolyCon is more than just a supplier; we are your partner in success. Our united culture of customer care and proactive support ensures that every customer receives exceptional service and unmatched value.

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